Monday, June 21, 2010

DAY 11 Southbound Georgian Bay

just leaving our tightest squeeze today
Today we had a beautifull day again going South through the Georgian Bay. We had spots with wide open water and depth of 200' or more and then we went through spots that were no more then 20' wide and maybe 5' deep. What a variety! The area is starting to become more populated then before. Also, most cottages now have electricity available. What a difference in size and frequency that makes. Before, it was rare to see a cabin, now it's rare not to see one. Traffic is also more frequent now. Instead of 1 or 2 boats in a day we now see that many in an hour. It's still fairly quiet though. We expect that to change once we leave the Georgian Bay and move onto the Trent-Severn Waterway (June 25) We'll also start posting our Lat/Lon location so if interested you can see on Google Earth where we end up each day. Today's location: 45.33815N, 80.03611W. Our phones are working again, but don't know for how long.

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