Thursday, June 17, 2010

This morning we started out & left De Tour @ 6:30 to enter the North Channel. The sun is up and the water is calm. What a gorgeous, quiet place. The navigation is a little more intense, but with all the gadgets on board we should be able to get through without a problem. We lost phone coverage, but our aircard keeps working, and internet is still available. We'll see what happens when we get deeper into Canada. The majority of traffic out here is freighters and our fine homeland security folks. Yesterday on Mackinac Island we watched the Coast guard come through the Marina on one of their small crafts with one guy behind a 30 cal. machine gun up front. In the De Tour Marina fully armed Customs & Immigration folks were well represented also. With that much fire power around we should be safe. With all those folks looking for entertainment, along with the Canadian folks, I expect us to get boarded some time. Should be interesting. We'll keep you updated. We arrived in Blind River, OT @1:45 pm. and went through Canadian Customs. They were very polite and friendly. We will be doing some biking to check out the town. The plan at this time is to go to Little Current tomorrow.

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