Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 8. We spent 7 hours today getting tossed around on the North Channel from Blind River, Ont. to Little Current, Ont. The forecast called for high winds and rain. We got both. Entering into Little Current made it all worth it. A nice little town that is near the East. end of the North Channel. From here we will move onto Killarney, Ont. and slide into the Georgian Bay. We have adequate charts for this section and this should allow us to squeeze through the 30,000 (that's right) islands. The winds and waves should not be much of an issue here, though visibility is critical, and we'll have to constantly keep track of the charts. The boat, gear & crew seems to be holding up well so far. Phone is still a non-issue, but the internet seems to be working well in most places up to now. In the Georgian Bay we may be without access for 3-4 days since there are few places to stop. We'll update when we can.

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