Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 20 - Location: 44.32014N, 77.78667W

One of the great Canada Parks Staff

We've passed a thousand of these bouys by now - Nancy faithfully marks them off as we pass them - they keep us on the straight & narrow

Standing by Healey Falls

Looking back at the dam, locks, & power plant

Short day today. We got started at 8:30 by going through the swing bridge and lock at Hastings, Ont. We made 30 km. or 20 miles, passed through 6 locks, one double, or in-flight lock. A combined drop of 122' (40m) today The winds and current continue to be strong, at times challenging our docking skills. We still have 12 locks to go through before we're finished with the Trent-Severn and move on to Kingston, Ont. through the NE corner of Lake Ontario. From there we'll start on the Rideau Canal system, another of Canada Parks canals. The staff from Parks Canada do an excellent job trying to help out in any way possible. The facilities are always clean & well kept.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are doing well. last day @ office for me for a while. liz is taking picts and video as pouring cement slab today.
