Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 15 - Location 44.53575N, 78.74118W

Today we went through 7 locks. The most impressive was the Kirkfield Lift Lock. This was also the last 'lift' on the the Waterway. From there we're going down, we reached the summit. It takes a little getting used to going down, rather than up. The lock is filled when we go in and drops from there. Of the 9 hydraulic locks built worldwide this is the 2nd highest. The Kirkfield Lock lifts/ lowers you 49' in a matter minutes. The video shows how the lock gates are manually opened and closed. We also tried to include a pic of the description of the operation. It's really rather simple & smooth. The scenery around us continues to change gradually each day as we continue to move along. This keeps us from getting bored. Boating in close quarters takes more concentration then the open water. Nancy is constantly tracking us on charts and giving directions, while Keith is trying to keep us from hitting bottom. There is little time to put the boat on autopilot and sit back & relax.

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