Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 54 - Location: 43.04613N, 77.09296W

Today we moved another 50+ miles West along the Erie Canal from Baldwinsville to the village of Newark, NY. There is still another 125 miles and 6 more locks to go before we get to Lake Erie, by Buffalo, NY, which we should reach Friday.
When you go down a canal like the Erie, that's been in use for well over 100 years you run into all kinds of interesting things. As we move along, the scenery continuously changes. We see large homes, small homes, have been homes, and homes that never should have been. Old industrial remnants are not uncommon either. Today we passed by the remains of the old "Richmond Aqauduct' (see pic's below) This thing was build from 1849 - 1857 with great difficulty because of the soft soils encountered. When all 31 arches and 900' were finished it allowed the old Erie Canal to go over the Seneca River. It was in use until 1917 when further improvements made it obsolete

Richmond Aquaduct remains - the canal was in the center, the tow path at both sides

Old Richmond Aquaduct remains

Farm along the canal shoreline

Proud grandpa & grandson w. nice catch

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