Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 52 - Location: 43.19600N, 75.72764W

Dam along the Erie Canal - notice the nice paint job that is so typical of all the equipment

When planning the trip this winter, we counted 154 locks total. Well, there are 13 left to go through and all of them are on the western half of the Erie Canal. Nancy & I, we consider ourselves lock pros. We completed the Eastern half of the Erie Canal, and we made it up to the East end of the Oneida Lake to Sylvan Beach, NY. This is the recreational boating mecca of NY, and we have plenty of company. We'll cross the 20 miles of the lake tomorrow morning and start on the Western half of the canal to Buffalo, NY where we'll enter Lake Erie. After that most of our travels left will be on the open waters of Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan. Once we cross Lake Erie we'll be able to claim we've sailed on all of the 5 Great Lakes. We have yet to meet any of the experienced boaters that can claim they've been to Lake Superior. It is a cold one and requires a different mind set. We'd like to explore that one in detail at some later date.
The NY canals are operated and maintained by the NY Canal System. It's obvious these unique folks take pride in their locks and equipment. Much of the equipment dates back to the 1920's, but all of it is very well maintained and painted brightly in their blue and yellow colors.

RR Bridge & Lock

Typical Lockhouse

Old NY Canal System workhorse

A pair of workhorses dating back to the 1920's

Transport boat for NY Canal workers

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