Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 55 - Location 43.19311N, 77.80051W

A little Erie Canal History

Another 40+ miles down the old Erie Canal, running just South of Rochester, NY. We continue to be fascinated by the wide variety of scenery we run into. Along the entire section today there was a well used bike/pedestrian path on one or both sides of the canal. At times the adjacent land was 10' or more below the canal and other times we had 10' banks of limestone on both sides. Most of the towns we go through are inviting and do their best to attract the boaters going through the canal. Today we decided to stop in a nice little town, a suburb of Rochester, NY, Spencerport.

Bridge in Spencerport - notice the steps at the bridge, allowing pedestrians to use the bridge while open

Series of old bridges on the canal

Steel Revival at rest in Spencerport

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