Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 61 - Location: 42.05332N, 83.19118W

Shoreline @ Metropark Marina

Our 'neighbor' providing the evening's entertainment on Pelee Island

One of nice things about being on your own, you can change your mind easily. That's what we did this morning. The intent was to stay put on Pelee Island today and bike around the island. It was uncomfortably hot & muggy early today and after sleeping in and giving the boat a good clean-up we decided we'd be cooler on the lake. So at 10:00 we got going on a nice calm lake until about 1:00 when a line of thunderstorms came upon us. We've had a bad experience with one of those before and were not ready for another. Luckily we were close enough to shore to find refuge in the Lake Erie Metropark Marina. The storm also turned out to be a mild one. Tomorrow we plan on heading up the Detroit River, past Detroit and to Lake St. Clair. We're back in Michigan but we still have more then 600 miles to enjoy before we get back to Grand Haven.

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