Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 74 - Location: 44.49017N, 86.23741W

Beached & abandoned sailboat on Sleeping Bear Point
Lighthouse @ Point Betsie

Lake Michigan, like all large open bodies can be rough going. Today was one of those days that was just perfect. Sunny and the temp's were in the upper 70's, wind was fairly light and behind us. We left Leland this morning and made it to one of our favorites spots along Michigan's West shore, Arcadia. As we go South along the West side of Michigan, there are four main points sticking out into the lake that we need to clear. Today we cleared Sleeping Bear Point and Point Betsie. As we were passing Sleeping Bear Point we noticed a nice 30' or larger sailboat with sails still up on the beach. At the marina in Arcadia we found out the boat had been found five days earlier, but the Coast Guard was still trying to figure out what happened to the crew.

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