Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 76 - Location: Home @ Watson, MI

The 'old view' from the window
Our 'welcome home committee'

Our 'new' view from the window

We made it home today! The lake forecast was somewhat questionable with small craft advisories on. We decided to at least check it out and we found that while the waves were right up there the angle of the waves made it a fairly comfortable ride and they pushed us along nicely. By 2:00 we were in Grand Haven for the 2 hour ride up the Grand River to the marina. When we came home we were greeted by three Trumpet Cranes in our yard The pair has been coming every year for the last 7 - 8 years. This is the first year we we've seen young ones. A nice welcome.

What a vacation! Thanks to all who helped make it possible, thanks for following our blog. We can now be reached at home again, we'll catch up on visiting friends & family over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Wat 'n raais ! Wel wat aans as Patjewolmeer ;)
    Moi oet Sibboer'n.
