Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 73 - Location: 45.02537N, 85.76202W

Old historic Leland Fishing town
Leland - looking out at Lake Michigan

Beaver Island Old Coast Guard Station & Lighthouse

Leaving Beaver IslandSt. James Harbor behind us this morning

Now that we're back in our home waters we're coming to the realise that as always, all good things must come to an end. We're starting to reflect back on the ups and downs of the trip, the few disappointments and the many pleasant surprises. For one thing, we've been very fortunate - no mechanical breakdowns, and consistently very good weather. We figured that one in five days would keep us in port because of the weather but to date we've only stayed put for three days because of the weather. This puts us somewhat ahead of our anticipated return date, but now that we're close, we're both ready to check things out at home. This will also allow a little time off before returning back to work. It will be hard though to put an end to our vacation of a lifetime.
Today brought us to Leland, an old fishing town, tourist town now. It's also the home of the ferry to South Manitou Island. We did manage to get a good lake fish dinner here - obviously the Indian fishermen here have more balls than those on Beaver Island.

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