Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 51 - Location:43.03345N, 74.86187W

Little Falls, NY

This morning we had a good start only to get caught in some pea soup fog. The sailboat we were following did lose track of the channel and hit bottom and got stuck in the mud. Steel Revival came to the rescue and pulled it back into the channel in no time. A few more rescues and the boat will become a legend yet. The day cleared up quickly and we had a nice clear sunny day putting on 45 miles to Little Falls NY.
The dock where we'll spend the night was recently taken over by the NY Canal System who tranformed an old freight terminal into a real nice small, quiet marina, allowing 'transient' boaters like us to tie off for the night. Bathrooms, electricity, water & showers are all available inside the remodeled old wharehouse. We'll be checking out the town of Little Falls shortly.

45' sailboat aground in the fog, waiting for the Steel Revival to come to the rescue

Mohawk River/Erie Canal

Freeway & farms along the shore

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