Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 42 - Location 41.07520N, 73.86739W

It's no wonder so much has been written and said about the Hudson River. It is not only a fine place to land a plane in trouble, but the scenery continues to fascinate us. We're now 25 miles from the Statue of Liberty, and continue to see both the wild & 'civilized' along the river.
This morning we passed the US Military Academy at West Point. The US military has had a presence here since 1778 and the Academy since 1802. Some of our great presidents and generals graduated from here over the years. Ulysses Grant, Robert E. Lee, Patton and Eisenhower to name a few.
Both the East and West side of the river have active railroads. It is seldom that 15 minutes go by without the next train passing us by.
We stopped today just short of the Tappan Zee bridge, a 3 mile wide bridge on the South end of the Tappan Zee. The Tapan Zee is a natural widening of the river and was named by the Dutch after some local Indian tribe.
Tomorrow we expect to get to the end of our journey, before getting ready for the return trip.

4 bridges in this picture

Waterfall along the river

West Point Military Academy

One of the many trains we watched along the Hudson

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