Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 43 - LOCATION NYC: 40.71487N, 74.04150W

NYC - After 1780 Miles, 110 locks, and 42 days we arrived in the big city and are now docked next to our old sailboat the Yukon Mist. What a trip so far! We went from hearing moose calls at night to train whistles to constant traffic. It has been everything and more than we expected. We've met some great people along the way, and there were days where we met no people.
We plan on spending a few days in NYC with Patrick our nephew and our friends Bill & Janet Ogden, who will fly into NY tomorrow. After that we'll get under way on our return trip via the Erie Canal, Lake Erie and Lake Huron, before our final leg along the beautifull West Shore of Michigan.

NY Skyline

Lady Liberty

This pic has a special meaning for our family - We went from here to Michigan when we first came to the US more than 40 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you made it to New York. Have a safe trip back.

