Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 33 Location 45.50577N, 73.55040W

Downtown Old Montreal

Bygone industrial days

Marche Atwater

This morning we left for Montreal via the Lachine Canal. The Lachine Canal opened in 1825 and was enlarged twice due to indusrtial growth. It became a victim of it's own success and was replaced by the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959. The Lachine Canal was partially filled in and closed to navagation in 1970. The last several years it has been rejuvenated and opened to pleasure boating in 2002. The result is a very unique park, reminding us of the past, while going through a modern city. We also visited the Marche Atwater which is a large outdoor market with a huge selection of flowers, fresh meats and veggies. We bought fresh brats to grill for supper. If flowers would last on the boat I would have bought some of them also. The marina we're staying in is in the 'old Port', in old Montreal. We strolled through the streets, and stopped at one of the cafes for a cold beer. Nice old country flavor!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy and Koos,
    See it was raining in Montreal. How it the temp? Are u still on schedule? Here in Holland temp is above 30 degrees C. Last week even 37 degrees (body temp). For Holland very hot. Holland did not become world champ soccer.Made it second.

    Enjoy you time on the boat.

    from Alex and Kezia + kids
