Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 34 - Location: 45.86635N, 73.14765W

Eating dinner at the St. Ours Lock

Lots of 'Big Boy' activity on the St. Lawrence River

Ferry & Church in St. Ours on the Richelieu River
We left Old Town Montreal this morning going down the St. Lawrence River. The current was quite extreme at first (6 - 7 MPH) but settled somewhat as we moved farther down river from the Montreal Rapids. Almost all the water draining out of the Great Lakes Basin ends up going through this great river. It gave us a nice push and we made good time the 40 miles to Sorel, where we entered the Richelieu River and moved up river about 12 miles. We moored at the first lock on the Richelieu by St. Ours Quebec. It's all French here and if Mr. Eekhof (my old French teacher) was still alive he'd get some satisfaction in seeing me struggle. In two more days we expect to enter the US again after better than a month in Canada. Our time in Canada has been great, and while we cannot say enough about the friendly hospitality the Canucks displayed, we are looking forward to getting back into the US. In 10 days or less we should be in NY, our final destination, before starting on our return trip. The Ogdens will meet up with us there and we're looking forward to spending a day or 2 with them, and off the boat.

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