Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 30 - Location - unchanged from yesterday

Today we spent the day touring Ottawa without camera. No pic's today. Ottawa is a very user friendly place with bike paths everywhere and good public transportation. We made use of both today. After studying the bus schedule we bought a day pass and took the bus into the city. We also learned that in the winter the canal water is lowered and turned into a huge miles long skating pond that's used for many to commute by skating into work in the winter. We saw the 8 in-flight locks in the middle of Ottawa and look forward to going through those tomorrow. We also checked out the parlaiment buildings and several other impressive buildings. A neat city, but as often with most big cities, there is only time to scratch the surface and move on. Tomorrow we plan on going through the locks and move on down the Ottawa River toward Montreal.
We have one month, or 1/3 of our time & miles behind us. Though we had some concerns about being on a 26' boat that may look big sitting in a garage, is not really all that large on the water. So far all has worked out well, and we're looking forward to the rest of our time on the water.

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