Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 28 - Location: 45.31751N, 75.69666W

Not unlike in the US the race is on to have the biggest home

More & more farmland like this as we get closer to Ottawa

From the Georgian Bay on we've seen many of these around

12 locks and 10 miles to go before we reach the end of the Rideau Canal tomorrow. The last 8 locks are a flight of 8, right downton Ottawa. We expect to be in the Ottawa River sometime around noon tomorrow, get settled in at a marina and get ready to spend some time in the Canadian Capital.

The shoreline has been steadily changing as we get closer to the more populated areas. The land is fairly flat and the current relatively slow. The majority of the shore line is now occupied by ever larger homes, one trying to out do the other. Traffic is still fairly light and we were able to find a quiet spot at one of the locks for tonight. The weather continues to be hot, but with plenty of water to jump into we're handling it well..

1 comment:

  1. Hoi Broer,

    Even een felicitatie vanuit een zeer warm Nederland (30-35 graden. Ik hoop dat jullie ook jouw verjaardag lekker samen gezellig mogen vieren. Alweer 59 jaar! Trakteer je maar op iets lekkers.


    p.s. ook de felicitatie namens de rest van mijn gezin.
