Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 36 - Location: 44.99733N, 73.35853W

Homeland Security post of times gone by

Barcombs Marina w. bar in the background

Back in the USofA! After spending a month in Canada, the last week of it in Quebec, we entered the US this morning at Rouses Point, NY. While we cannot say enough good things about our time in Canada it does feel good to be back. We were anchored in the middle of the river last night, because we were unable to find a suitable marina. The weather was calm, until we woke up at midnight and the winds were quite strong (20 - 30 MPH). The anchor held well, but steady sleep was out of the question. We got her under way by 6:00 AM and crossed the US/Canada border by 9:30. Both sides of the border were well protected at one point and had remains of forts on both sides of the border. The custom & immigration folks had their own dock at the border where you're required to check in before continuing into the US. The customs and immigration people were friendly & helpfull in recommending a nice marina just accros the border, where 'Big John' took care of us. Our kind of place, fuel, pump out and a bar. What more does a person need. Since the weather was rough with lots of showers and wind, we decided to stay put until tomorrow. It has cleared up since and we're counting on a full day tomorrow on Lake Champlain. After getting our laundry done, grocery shopping, sightseeing, we decided to check out the bar and got to meet 20 or so of the local residents of Rouses Point. A jolly bunch for sure.

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