Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 32 - Location 45.40627N, 73.95454W

Low end of the Carillon Lock - look at the electrical gear on top of the dam!

Inside the lock chamber on the floating dock with the lock attendant

Shoreline along the Ottawa River
We made it to the outskirts of Montreal today, 65 miles and two locks. The first lock we went through today was impressive. Built 1969 it replaced 7 of the original locks and has a drop of 75'. Inside the chamber is a floating dock with one of the lock masters inside. What a neat way to go down. We tied off to the floating dock and had a nice chat with the man, who explained history & operation of the lock.
The trip today was nice and relaxing. The river is wide, plenty deep, and clearly marked. Tomorrow we'll head up to Montreal, visit the city and prepare to go through the Lachine canal wednesday. This canal runs through downtown parallel to the St. Lawrence Seaway. The 7 mile canal with it's 5 locks was replaced by the new St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, and pretty much ignored and trashed until 1996 when an effort was made to restore it. It reopened for pleasure boats in 2002. The maximum clearance is 8 foot and will require us to take the radar dome down but we believe it's worth the effort. We can also bypass 2 of the 'big boy' locks on the Seaway, where the waiting line can be hours at times.

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