Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 24 - Location: 44.54843N, 76.23596W

Jones Falls

Along the Rideau

Kington Mills Locks

As you can see by the second number in our location, we are steadily going farther East (# getting smaller). On the marine radio we now pick up New York US reports, and most American boats we meet are from the state of New York. The Rideau is quite a bit different than the Trent-Severn, the equipment in the locks has been maintained in their original condition as much as possible. Locking through takes quite a bit longer. The last lock through for today was a flight of 4 and took 2 hours, 1 hour wait and 1 hour for the actual lock through. Beautifull weather and scenery, so we just got out our lawn chairs and enjoyed it. Traffic has also picked up considerably, but we're a long way away from a traffic jam. We have no problems finding quiet spots each night. The water temps are also great for swimming. Crew & equipment continue to hold up well.


  1. Wat maken jullie veel mee. Een hele goede voortzetting van de reis. Geniet hier vooral van. Ik volg het met belangstgelling.

    Een warme groet
    je broertje

  2. Keith and Nancy,
    Finally made time to check your blog. Looks great! Reading the blog brings back thoughts of my travels through the Trent and Redeau. Was great meeting you both and look forward to future posts.
    Safe travels and as they say, I'll see you on the water.

    Keith and Denise (Happy Ours)
