Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 27 - Location 44.95544N, 75.81539W

2 Kayaker's we keep running into on our trip

Waiting to lock through

Another warm sunny day. The water is getting right up there too (85 degrees today) On our last leg to Ottawa the currents are not near as viscious as they were on the way up, but it will still keep us on our toes. We're making steady progress without putting in any real long days. We've gone through plenty of locks, some flights of 3 or more. On most of those, the crew will take you the entire flight before they take any others up. If there is someone already on the way down, the wait can be an hour or more before they're open on top again. Plenty to see & check out each time though. Tonight we found a nice private spot by one of the locks (Lower Nicholson Lock) where it looks like we'll be the only ones here tonight. Good swimming. They'll keep the washrooms open for us all night. It looks like we'll make Ottawa on Friday, where we plan to stay at least one extra day before heading down the Ottawa River to Montreal.

1 comment:

  1. Hoi Koos en nancy,
    Ik begrijp van Rudy dat jullie mijn berichtjes wel krijgen. Even een WK update, Nederland speelt in de finale tegen Spanje. Jullie komen op hele mooie plekjes daar in Canada. Houden jullie ook een uitgebreider logboek bij voor later? Of hebben anderen al hun ervaringen van deze tocht op papier gezet. Leuk jullie verhalen zo te lezen.
    Jullie broertje
