Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 49 - location: 42.79032N, 73.67052W

We're in Waterford, NY waiting to enter the Erie Canal. After a good start this morning and a quick lock through at the Troy Federal Lock, we came to an unexpected stop at the Erie Canal Welcome Center. When requesting to go through the first of a series of 5 locks, locks 2 - 6 (there is no # 1), we were told repairs were under way on Lock # 6 and we would have to wait at least 4 hours, or until 1 PM before the locks would re-open. By 1:00 we were informed the locks are closed until further notice. Oh well, some unexpected maintenance is to be expected on a system that has been in operation since 1825. If only we could do that well. We used the oportunity to get some groceries and take care of our bikes. The bikes had been exposed to a week of salt water on the back of the boat, and this had taken its toll. We were reminded how corrosive salt can be.
The weather is great and Waterford, NY is a nice place to be if you need to wait out some time. We'll take the oportunity to explore the area on our bikes.
Locks 2 - 6 or what is known as the Waterford Flight, will bring us up 169' in less than 2 miles. That is the highest lift in the shortest distance of any canal in the world. Also along lock 2 the original canal, with the 3 locks that the 'new' #2 replaced are still evident.
A great source for additional info on the Erie Canal go to

Erie Canal Welcome Center w. boats waiting to lock through

Lock 2 (there is no #1) - notice the old canal w. 3 locks to the right

Below is a link to a cute old song about the canal:

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